What have you been told about accomplishments, success, goals, hitting your objectives and whatnot? Do you think just piling up goals and objectives would bring your goals to fruition? Read up to find out principles required in getting key results.
Probably you have been in a situation where you have been frustrated and clouded by pessimism due to your previous sets of debacles. Trying to escape the rat race you resorted to reading tons and tons and tons of books, seeking for the right source. You become perplexed on getting key results.
What ends up happening is that after being inundated with this sets of information nothing seems to work out. You become like a capacitor that has becomes supercharged without the ability to discharge.
You are enlightened but with no key result to show for it. To worsen the situation, there is this culture that is recognized within this era. And that is the ability to consume lots of data. Although most people have benefitted from the trend but note that they weren’t just depending on it. Depending solely on this process would be implicitly futile to your being which might in most cases leads to frustration, rancour and
the feeling of not being intrinsically capable to be productive. In getting key results, you need to develop the habit of not only being a consumer but a producer
I could remember what it seemed like when I started out my path into programming. As a newbie, I was quite fascinated by the prospects of programming and its capabilities. It was fun seeing a piece of code being processed by the computer and transformed into something else.
Searching the web to find vital information that would help kickstart my journey was quite confronting. There were tons of information and programs that touted having the best course outline, or methodology to assimilate programming concepts and become a good developer.
Some even touted that being enrolled in their programs would help you take about a week or two to skill up and become a developer. With this myriad of information. It was hard for me to go down with a choice of preference. Luckily enough for me, I did go down with a program.
But what happened? I read tons of information and saw more possibilities in programming. But still, I wasn’t productive. I began to ask my self the WHY QUESTION… I would see people testifying about the little duration it took them to acquire the required skill set for a project.
The funny thing was that in most cases I knew the logic behind them from my accumulation of knowledge from reading books, watching videos or learning from someone. But still, I wasn’t productive and wasn’t getting key results. This was of serious concern to me. And I had to change tactics. I started coding and practising more than I accumulated more knowledge. The action is the key despite how small the knowledge set might be.
Procrastination can pose a great obstacle in getting key results. It is no more a cliché that a stitch in time saves nine. Because that is a reality in most cases. I was very slow initially in going through my programming tutorials initially. But probably I guess it was due to other activities I had up my sleeve.
But I also do accept the fact that it was due to my poor time management. I would assign a particular time to work through my training or project but along the line, I don’t see it happening. It’s not that I didn’t have the enthusiasm to be consistent, It was just me buying into procrastination.
I had to tackle this buy becoming scared of buying into procrastination with the hindsight that it would lead to my time being wasted. One of the ways I tried to combat this was by thinking differently in this manner. Imagine being given $86400 every day without asking for a repay.
The downside is that whatever is remained from your expenditure or investments must be returned after each day. Imagine using only $2000 and returning the rest. That is how valuable time is. Most people equate time to money. Because everything under the sun operates under the plumage of time.
So using this scenario I had to step up my game knowing fully well that I would be at a loss if I don’t utilize the 86400 seconds in a day. Being time conscious is the key and knowing how beautiful it is for you to be able to be a living participant of the time. Fighting procrastination will greatly help you in getting key results.
Most times, we try to shift responsibilities to another person or our environment. We fell to understand the power of our thoughts. The amazing philosopher James Allen( 1864–1912) once wrote that:
“Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself.”
What this entails is humans should endeavour to understand that once we conform to the power of thoughts and accept that a high percentage of our circumstances is a product of our thought, taking full responsibility, we can manipulate our ordeal and get ourselves to the brighter light through our thought.
Our thoughts are the seeds of action. If you say to yourself, today I’m gonna get shit done and your thought is conditioned to do it, then you would get it done. Our thoughts are so powerful, not only should we utilize it to its maximum potential but it should also be guarded with caution like a worthwhile jewellery.
We all have been in a situation where we make tons of objective and goals but then it comes down to one question with two answers and the question is: Did you realize it?… And the answers could be either a yes or a no. We need to also put in same or more zeal towards the results of a goal rather than just piling list of goals to achieve.
That doesn’t mean that hard times won’t come around us. But we should trust in the system of perseverance and working smarter. When we make goals and objectives without working towards its fruition, we tend to push the task at hand towards our future selves. The more we push the task at hand to our future self the more our objectives and goals become more abstract and far from fruition.
Compare your feeling of excitement when you achieve your goal to the feeling of misery when you end up not achieving them. Try to focus your energy on that thrill, it would help build the necessary confidence and zeal required to pull you into getting stuff done and trusting the process of perseverance and working smart.
Celebrate once you are done, be happy with yourself and congratulate yourself first. Getting key results is vital and should be an everyday accomplishment either in small steps or large.
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